I removed the last item of clothing I had put on to discover the item pictured here. It is a little piece of very fine gauge wire and it had become caught in my Cabela's 100% silk long underwear.
I realize that the average person would have just thrown away the offending item, finished getting dressed and gone on about their day... but not me.
I was most perplexed. How in the world did such a thing get caught up in my long johns in the first place? I mean, really, for the most part my underwear only goes where I go and to the best of my knowledge I had not been anywhere to pick up such an object.
It brought to mind that vintage cartoon where the shopkeeper closes up for the night and after he leaves, all the inanimate objects in the store come to life and spend the night partying. It made me wonder if my clothes go out for a romp after I fall asleep at night. After all, my clothes don't sleep in the same room as I do, so they could easily sneak away without me knowing it. And if my long johns are getting into this kind of trouble, God only knows what my bras are up to. So until this little mystery is solved, I guess all my clothes are under suspicion and can't be trusted.
Hey Kris, looks like I can now comment on your blog posts!
Yea! Progress!
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