I particularly love watching the change in seasons in the wild; especially in the dunes and the marshes. I love that you can count on it; year after year. And I love the fact that the more mankind learns about the cycle of life, the more we are left with questions unanswered. We weren't meant to know that answer to everything and I find life more beautiful for its mysteries.

The beach plums were in full bloom as I walked through the dunes early this morning. The site was breathtaking and I wanted to share it.
I hope your spring is beautiful and mysterious wherever you are.
I'm so with you on this. And don't they seem to come around faster now than they used to?
In general, Kelley, I would agree with you. But this winter was so unusually horrific that spring couldn't have come soon enough for me!
wow -such stunning imagery, what a beautiful tree. Thank you for the follow :)
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