Every once in awhile, it helps to be reminded of something that we already instinctively know. It helps to see the concept boiled down to its pure essence.
I received the following from a friend in an email this past week. Unfortunately, I don't know from where it originates, I just know that it resounds deeply with me. It is so easy to be overwhelmed by the big picture, the end goal, and then it's too easy to give up when we feel overwhelmed.
The 14 steps that follow though are a reminder that the big picture is achieved by making small daily improvements. Keeping this concept in front of us helps to make our goals seem so much more achievable. The mind works in mysterious ways.
1. Men do not decide their future. They decide on the habits that determine their future.
2. What you do daily is deciding what you are becoming permanently.
3. Nothing will ever dominate your life unless it happens daily.
4. You cannot change your life until you change something you keep doing ...daily.
5. You can trace the failure of every man to something he permitted to occur daily in his life, body, or his mind.
6. You can trace uncommon success to habits that were created...a daily success routine.
7. Your habits are creating increase or decrease.
8. Your habits are being strengthened or changed by the friends you permit daily close to you.
9. What you keep looking at daily is deciding where you will go.
10. Gaze only upon that which you desire in the future.
11. You will always move toward the dominant picture in your mind; that is why it is important that you place pictures around you of the things you desire to move toward and have.
12. You can change a failure routine into a success routine within 21 days!
13. What you keep doing daily is creating the future you have always wanted...or the future you dread.
14. Your money habits are making you a pauper or a millionaire.
Thank you, thank you a,
You're very welcome!
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