Recently, while traveling north
on Delaware SR 1, my attention was riveted to a passing flatbed trailer. Its
cargo contained a tractor with a front loader; but it was unlike any tractor I
have ever seen. It was blue! And not just any shade of blue; periwinkle blue! I
wanted one. I had to have one! The idea of a pretty tractor made my mind run
Suddenly, I thought of all the
rural scenes I had observed all my life with nothing but green farm equipment.
Green! Ugly, garish, bright John Deere green. And I found myself wondering,
why? Why do all tractors in America have to be green?
What if a farmer had a periwinkle
tractor and with it he pulled a disker in a beautiful complementary shade of
red/orange? Or a baler in an analogous color, say celadon green? Or a magenta
manure spreader??? Suddenly my vision of the countryside was changing rapidly.
And maybe, just maybe, what if
these wonderfully colored pieces of farm equipment actually attracted women to
this occupation? If you ask me, there are far too few women farmers. It seems
to me that women have a natural instinct for animal husbandry and growing
things. I’m sure there are so few in the field because their color choices are
just down right sparse and ugly.
Look, I’ve prepared visual aids:
And is this the worst kind of stereotyping or what?
Come on! Put the woman behind the wheel and in colors that she likes!
I mean, really?
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